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#211 / Professional Constellator
Working online
self employ
Position in the Company
system coach & constellation facilitator, Research in science
Company URL
- Systemic / Family Constellations
- Organisational Constellations
- Family, Partnership, Friendship
- Personal Development
- Health + Body
- Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
- Politics + Society
- Litigation + Mediation
- Spirituality + Religion
I am an Iranian who lived in Europe since 1996 . Leaving my land of origin and living in different culture gave me new perspective about intricacies of human behaviour. It thought me to embrace diversity , understanding different culture and cultivate empathy towards others. My main interest was always how we communicate , socialize and navigate our lives and I have been always involved in humanity projects to have an impact in life of others.
But when my personal life has been changed in a way that I have experienced massive burnout, there was an urge to find the answer to my own question “who am I ? ” and my journey in Constellation field began. I have searched all and learned some of possible existing method and principal from therapy to philosophy ,that I thought it could help me and among them, I have been fascinated in Systemic Constellation. I took part in all possible workshops in Malta and Germany until I decided to choose this path as my profession.
With background in science and management career in pharmaceutical company , I am trained as a systemic constellation facilitator in family and organisation .
با سلام .
ساناز منوچهریان هستم و در حال حاضر خارج از ایران در آلمان و جزیره مالت زندگی میکنم. در طی سالهایی که از کشور بیرون اومدم روابط انسانی همیشه برای من جذاب بودند و از هر موقعیت سعی کردم برای ایجاد ارتباط و کمک به دیگران استفاده کنم و در پروژه های مختلفی شرکت داشتم. رشته دانشگاهی من زیست شناسی و فوق لیسانس من یکی در تحقیقات علوم پزشکی و دیگری در علوم سلولی و مولکولی است و تا چندین سال پیش در شرکت دارویی با سمت مدیر مشغول بودم. حوادث زندگی شخصی و بحرانهای بوجود امده من را بر این داشت که بدنبال سوالهایم بگردم و در این راه با درمان سیستمی خانواده اشنا شدم . البته این واژه معادل درستی هنوز در فرهنگ ما ندارد چون به واقعا درمان نیست بلکه نوعی نگرش جدید است. و امروزه این متد دیگر منحصر به خانواده و رفع ابهامان موجود در سیستم خانودگی نیست ، بلکه از ان در هر نوع سیستم اداری، روابط، توسعه فردی و.. میتوان استفاده کرد.
من به عنوان مربی زندگی و تسهیل گر در این رشته از اینکه در خدمت هموطنانم هستم خوشحالم
Qualification as a Constellator
Professional Qualification
Basic Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours
The Art of Helping Basic Training in Systemic/Family Constellation
Name of the Training
CI No. of the Training
Year of Completion
Maria Ursula Bell
Name of the Trainer
CI No. of the Trainer
Duration in Hours
Intensive constellation training
Name of the Training
CI No. of the Training
Year of Completion
vollmar academy
Name of the Trainer
CI No. of the Trainer
Duration in Hours
Advanced Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours
The Art of Helping Advanced Training in Systemic/Family Constellation
Name of the Training
CI No. of the Training
Year of Completion
Ursula Bell
Name of the Training
CI No. of the Trainer
Duration in Hours
12 days per year and more
Personal Development, Family, Partnership, Friendship, Education
Vision, Mission, Brand / Purpose, Strategy + Goals, Structure, Processes, Organisation Chart
Natural Sciences
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section
Experience + Practice
5 years and more
50 and more
12 and more
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section
Contribution to the Constellation Work
ISCA International Systemic Constellations Association
Name of the Association
CI No. of the Association
From Year
To Year
Name of the Association
CI No. of the Association
From Year
To Year
Pro bono means: for free or for a significant reduced fee
> 6 per year
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section
Total of reached points: 45 / 100
Level of recognition Professional Constellator