Understand CI

Meet Katie and learn about our International Recognition

Constellation work helps people everywhere gain new insights and make positive changes in their lives. It’s like a universal language that connects all parts of life.

This powerful tool helps us understand complicated situations and find ways to grow and succeed. It can be used in many areas:

  • Personal growth
  • Spirituality
  • Family, Relationships, and Communities
  • School and Education
  • Science and Culture
  • Business and Finance
  • Nature and the Environment
  • The Future of Our World

Being a Constellator is a lifelong journey that includes:

  1. Becoming skilled in your profession.
  2. Using systemic thinking to improve your work.
  3. Mastering constellation work to make a real difference.

To help Constellators reach these goals, CI offers International Recognition for Constellators, Trainers, and Training. This recognition was created by a team of respected Constellators from different countries.

Find out how our International Recognition can support you as a Constellator, Trainer, or in your training journey.