CI Advisory Board

The members of the CI Advisory Board stand for the quality of the International Recognition for Constellators, Trainers, and pieces of Training.

At CI, our goal was to establish an international standard of excellence for recognizing constellators, trainers, and training programs. In collaboration with the members of the CI Advisory Board, we developed a unique Structural Recognition Procedure (SRP) for constellators. The SRP is a distinctive and innovative process.

The members of the CI Advisory Board are renowned for their profound philosophies, outstanding constellation work, and unwavering commitment to advancing the field of constellation. With their international reputation, they ensure the integrity and credibility of the SRP for constellators, trainers, and training programs alike.

The members of the Gallery are (from top left to bottom right):

Michael Wingenfeld, Germany / Moksha Peikary, Georgia / Dr. Bindu Gupta, India / Zena Me, UK / Mikhail Klarin, Russia / Dragos Riti, Romania / Dan Cohen USA / Ingala Robl, Mexico / Georg Breiner, Austria / Klaus Peter Horn, Germany / Stephan Hausner, Germany / Netra Chou, Taiwan / Julio Pricipe, Peru / Edwina Van Der Westhuizen, Australia

Michael Wingenfeld / Germany

In 1984 I got to know constellations during my training as an organizational developer and immediately applied them in my company, my team, and my projects. Since then I have been using constellations every day and have developed hundreds of formats and applied them thousands of times. My credo: “Never say that you are constellating, but simply constellate and the “system” will show you the way”. Constellations have helped me most in extremely critical and complex situations and in corporate restructuring. One of my biggest constellations was in 2009 during the DGfS conference in Wuppertal with 175 participants.

The SRP of CI is perfectly structured.

Visit my profile here at

Moksha Peikari / Georgia, Germany

First, I have to mention, that I am sincerely grateful to be a member of the CONSTELLATORS INTERNATIONAL Advisory Board. I personally think that CI is doing a great job for all constellators worldwide.

Among many useful functions, it also has an intrinsic growth mechanism as a worldwide network with independent sub-organizations, like CONSTELLATORS INTERNATIONAL GEORGIA, based on equality and exchange processes to expand.

I have been working as a Business Consultant in the SAP environment on various
regional and international projects for more than 20 years. Since I met Bert Hellinger in 2008, I have discovered a love and passion for constellation work. He was my first inspiration in this for me previously unknown area. Also, the key to this was the discovery of my own adoption story, which came out after one of the organization constellation sessions in Cologne with Bert. After that, I decided to delve deeper into the structures of this incredible work.

I received training at the Cologne UTA Institute and Academy with recognized therapists and teachers from DGfS – Ramateertha Doetsch, Subodhi Schweizer, and Dwari Deutsch. I am a certified family and systemic constellation trainer, as well as an educational trainer at the UTA Institute and Academy.

I live and work in Germany and Georgia. I offer training for family and organizational constellations in German, English, and Georgian languages worldwide, and also in my home country Georgia.

With great support from Stephanie Hartung, In my home country Georgia, I am actively involved in grassroots work for the growth of constellation work through various constellation projects. Systemic constellation work for me is not only about the systemic view but also about personal development tools deeply rooted in different constellation methods and also meditation techniques to expand consciousness.

Dr. Bindu Yatendra Gupta, B.H.M.S. / India

First & foremost I’m truly grateful to Stephanie Hartung for choosing me from India to be a member of the CI Advisory Board. CI is a beautiful space created by Stephanie Hartung and Jürgen Ziemann wherein the Constellators all over the world can come together & connect with each other.

The structural recognition procedure (SRP) created by CI is one of a kind. This step will certainly make our work more accessible to people across the world. The availability of detailed information such as the merits & credentials of each Constellator helps build the credibility of the platform. Through CI, it will make things easy & safe for people across the world to access the Constellators in any part of the world & seek the services for their betterment. I see CI as a bridge to build connections at multiple levels in society & speak the same systemic language!

Dr. Bindu Yatendra Gupta, B.H.M.S.; PG Diploma in Counseling and Health Psychology; Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapist; PG Diploma in Transpersonal Regression Therapy (Tasso Instituut, Netherlands); is a Consulting Homoeopath, Counselor and an Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapist specialized in Transpersonal Regression Therapy and Systemic Constellation work. She is a certified facilitator of Systemic Constellation Work by Aurosystemica and California Hypnosis Institute of India. Her passion for a better world inspires her to facilitate Self Empowerment Workshops for people from different walks of life to come into their own through impactful group work.

Zena Me, UK

I am deeply touched to be invited as a CI Advisory Board Member by Stephanie.

I felt called to this work through many years of exploring the hidden trauma in leaders and organizations and of course, like many practitioners, in my own family ancestry.

I was first introduced to Bert Hellinger’s work through my exploration of theatre and
Augustus Boal’s ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ process. I took this into Organisations,
teaching Senior Corporate Executives how to access higher levels of consciousness to influence social change.

As a Practitioner of Constellations myself, I know how challenging it can be to create a bridge between this our powerful and the current prevailing leadership in organizations. To bridge this gap I’ve reframed this work into a place of ‘Eldership’, which offers a new ‘space’ and language for leaders in the Western world, in particular.

In indigenous tribes (such as the Aborigines and the Native Americans), the Elders work on behalf of the WHOLE system and are therefore slightly removed from their mainstream community. Their role is to create harmony and cohesion by bringing their deep insight and wisdom. They symbolically create a bridge between the multi-dimensional fields and the whole community. I believe that is also our role in constellations.

Another area of interest for me is how we market this work and ourselves as Constellators, so we can expand this important and powerful work into the wider world. The Constellations Field seems to experience conflict in how we ‘market’ our work. For some, the concept of ‘marketing’ (in the traditional sense) may feel incongruent and even disloyal to the system. This is a space for us to explore together in this community. I wholeheartedly believe that this platform, which has lovingly been founded by Stephanie and Jügen, is a wonderful place for this conversation to begin.

Each of us has our own special contribution to the field, it’s one of the most beautiful aspects of this work. My vision is that we all learn how to articulate this contribution by identifying our own individual niche and unique point of view and by creating a business model that both enriches and supports us personally and provides an invaluable resource for the communities that we serve

Mikhail Klarin / Russia

My background in physics and math taught me to look for viable and realistic solutions. Art and psychology gave me the background for a fluid, organic, non-violent intervention methodology.

I am an opinion leader in the business/corporate L&D industry, including training, mentoring, executive coaching, and management consulting. Co-founder and the first Chair of the Association of Russian-Speaking Coaches. My unique competency is combining rapid in-depth methods of confidential business decision-making based on systemic approach and business constellations.

I am a seasoned executive coach, sounding board, strategic facilitator, trainer, and organizational consultant. My focus is on supporting Leaders, and Executive Teams in challenging situations. I am ranked in the top 5 business team facilitators in Russia from 2004-2014.

Edwina Van Der Westhuizen / Australia

I am honored to be part of the CI Advisory Board.

I have been looking for an organization that is dedicated to helping Constellations establish some standards that offer the public reassurance they are attending a workshop or training by an experienced facilitator and/or trainer. In my opinion, what CI is undertaking is an important step to help constellations become more recognized as an accepted therapeutic method not only here in Australia but also worldwide. 

I run workshops online and face-to-face in Melbourne Australia, offer private sessions online and face-to-face and also conduct a 12-month facilitator training in Constellations.  
I have also collaborated with a Brazilian colleague to translate into English some of the amazing constellations achievements being conducted in the Brazilian legal system.

As a member of the CI  advisory board, I will contribute to the best of my ability to the continued expansion of Constellations here in Australia and connecting us all worldwide.

Dan Cohen / USA

I am grateful and honored to be a member of the Constellator’s International Advisory Board. The founders, Stephanie Hartung and Jügen Ziemann have put in an immense amount of thought and effort to bring their vision into reality. I received their invitation to the Board as a gift given to the entire community.

From the beginning, Constellators outside of Germany confronted three interrelated barriers to launching successful professional practices. Firstly, the work of Bert Hellnger and Family Constellations was not well known. Secondly, there was no widely accepted definition of what was or was not a Constellation in the tradition of Bert Hellinger. Thirdly, the learning curve to move from a trainee to a seasoned and competent practitioner was steep and long. These three in combination caused many who were inspired to do the work to give up.

Numerous professional associations have attempted to surmount these barriers by creating qualifications standards that offer the public some assurance that a particular facilitator is properly trained and well-experienced and operating under some set of practice guidelines. While seemingly simple, these efforts have only had spotty success.

The CI Structural Recognition Program is an inspired response to this continuing issue. I have reviewed their design and plan for establishing the SRP as an international standard. I applaud their thoughtfulness and care.

As a member of the Advisory Board, I will do my best to contribute to the continued expansion of Constellations and support Constellators and their clients in improving quality standards.


Georg Breiner / Austria

I firmly believe that the time has come for the constellation community to communicate and exchange globally across the old-fashioned boundaries of countries and cultures. CI is a worthwhile endeavor – an initiative that provides a platform for professionals who, well-trained, take their work seriously and bow to the demands of quality service. All the more I’m excited to be a member of the Advisory Board. The first question when asked to join such a high-level group must not be: “What’s in it for me?” but rather: “What can I contribute?”






Klaus Peter Horn / Germany

Klaus is one of the pioneers of the organizational constellation. He began transmuting the principles of family constellations for organizational systems in the late 1990s combining them with constellating people’s inner systems. He’s the author of several books about it including ’Invisible Dynamics’, the first management book on how to work with constellations in business.

Klaus is also a highly acclaimed expert in the field of management consulting and coaching with a background of some 30 years of experience as a professional consultant. For 20 years he‘s leading constellation training in Europe and Asia focusing on transformation at organizational and individual levels.


Wilfried Nelles, PhD, MA / Germany

Wilfried started to work full-time with Family Constellations in 1996. In 2005 and 2007, he was the Co-Organizer and Chair of the 5. and 7. International Congress on Systemic Constellations in Köln (Cologne).

In 2008 he developed his own unique approach to Phenomenological Psychology and Life Integration which is based on a comprehensive holistic theory of the development of human consciousness.

In 2014 he founded the Nelles Institute for Phenomenological Psychology and Life Integration together with his son Malte Nelles. Meanwhile, they have partner institutes in five European countries and in China. The focus of their work is not on families and other „systems“ but on the individual and the development of his consciousness. It’s about the unfolding of „the seed you are born with“.

Wilfried Nelles has published 15 books which are translated into 10 languages.


Julio Principe, Peru

I consider myself a “Systemic Gardener” and have been working with individuals, teams, and organizations to achieve their goals for 25 years. I have worked in 12 different countries providing consulting and training in SCW and Systemic Consulting, in three languages. For the last few years, I have dedicated myself to what I call “Systemic Host”, a form of dialogue that uses, among other techniques, Solution Focused Approach, Warm Data, and Systemic Constellations. I will be happy to get in contact and share with you if you choose to do so.

When I heard about Constellators International, I was excited about the new possibilities it brought to our discipline, especially the professionalism I perceived in its conception. When I was invited to be part of the Advisory team, it was an honor that I accepted and I hope to contribute in the ways that are possible and required for this project.
