Ankica Jagnjić
teacher of matematics and computer science
Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia
Constellator Profile
Personal Information
- teacher of matematics and computer science
Place(s) of Work
Place of local Work
About me
Freetext "about me" in english
I met with constellations at Michael Schaefer’s workshops back in 2004 and they helped me through a number of life situations. In addition to working on personal issues, I attended education at Alemka and Max in 2014 and 2015, and I further improved at the workshops Stephana Hausner, Mariana Franke, one year education on organizational constelationa by Cecilio Fernandez Regojo , at ISCA – meetings and workshops. I have been holding independent workshops for 9 years. In group or individual work. What are constellations for me – illuminating the space of the soul, accepting the actual state while finding and directing them towards new possibilities. And all this in a space of compassion and acceptance, everyone and everything that belongs. In my lineups, I am guided solely by my clients feeling, it is the client who gives direction, speed and depth. It is also important to me that the client feels the shifts as consciously as possible and in doing so takes responsibility for himself. The setup can be blind, deaf, open, closed group or individual – as needed. In group workshops, everyone belongs to the lineup, either as people who set up or participate as representatives or .....
Freetext "about me" in mothertongue
Sa konstelacijama sam se susrela na radionicama Michaela Schaefer-a još davne 2004 i one su mi pomogle da prebrodim brojne životne situacije. Uz rad na osobnim pitanjima, edukaciju kod Alemke i Maxa pohađala sam 2014 i 2015, a dodatno sam se usavršavala na radionicama Stephana Hausner, Mariane Franke, poslovne konstelacije kod Cecilio Fernandez Regojo, na ISCA – susretima i drugim radionicama. Samostalno radionice održavam 9 godine. Uz grupne radionic radim i individualne postave. Izuzetno mi je važno i da klijent što svjesnije osjeti pomake i da pri tome preuzme odgovornost za sebe. Postava može biti slijepa, gluha, otvorena, zatvorena grupna ili individualna – po potrebi. Na grupnim radionicama svi pripadaju postavi, bilo kao osobe koje postavljaju ili učestvuju kao predstavnici ili kao sjedeći sudionici. I svi smo dobitnici.
Working Language(s)
Croatian, English
Type of Constellation Work
- Systemic / Family Constellations
- Organisational Constellations
Area of Constellation Work
- Family, Partnership, Friendship
- Personal Development
- Health + Body
- Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
- Spirituality + Religion
Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: No