Constellator Profile

Personal Information

Member Nr.: 288
Family Name: Shonkwiler
First Name: Christina
Gender: Female
Academic Degree & title: MA in Counseling Psychology, emphasis in Drama Therapy


  • Creative Healing Power


  • Facilitator of Family Constellations and Depth Hypnosis (Certified Hypnotherapist)

Place(s) of Work

Place of work is: online, local

Place of local Work

City: Berkeley
State/County: California
Country: United States


About me

Freetext "about me" in english

Christina Shonkwiler, MA, CHT, is a practitioner of Family Constellations and Depth Hypnosis. I am the 1st generation American daughter of a German immigrant, born and raised in California. Working with the difficult fate of my family system has brought profound movement to my own healing, showing that my life makes sense and that I can be seen in a way that is life affirming. In addition to working with family, ancestral and systemic issues, I’ve been a theatrical artist for over 2 decades. This perspective brings an emphasis on healing self-expression, reclaiming inner power, and the integration of parts that may have been lost along the way. I work with individuals and groups to unwind the entanglements with the past that may be unconsciously obscuring the potential of life. With compassion for what brought each of us to this moment, wounds may be known and given their rightful place. From here, a deeper self may reconnect with its own natural sense of value and power. A life of authentic connection is possible.

Freetext "about me" in mothertongue


Working Language(s)


Type of Constellation Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations

Area of Constellation Work

Works as a Trainer for Constellation work: No