Constellator Profile

Personal Information

Member Nr.: 287
Family Name: Kolesarova
First Name: Dagmar
Gender: Female
Academic Degree & title: Professional certified coach by ICF


  • objavteseba


  • Business & Life coach

Place(s) of Work

Place of work is: online, local

Place of local Work

Country: Slovakia


About me

Freetext "about me" in english

I am an internationally certified coach with over 500 hours of sessions provided and I have been working with systemic constellations since 2004. Meantime I have gone through many psychological pieces of training and practices. In my sessions, we go deep into the system and find and also clear programs that affect us, so whether it is a serious drama or just a small cough, we find the right solutions that bring a deep transformation to the client’s life. We always put the found programs in context with the client’s topic, so that he/she also consciously understands what is happening in his/her subconscious. Uncovering unconscious programs and understanding on a conscious level how they are reflected in our reality. This is the way I lead the client to transformation, whether in life, work, relationships, or health. Time is also an important part of our joint work. For some, one constellation is enough and it will solve the problem for several years ahead. Someone needs to reveal and transform gradually, slowly, and deeply into one’s soul. Everyone has his own time, method, and solution. I work with an individual and also with a group.

Freetext "about me" in mothertongue

Pracujem so systemickými konšteláciami od roku 2004. Medzičasom som prešla som mnohými psychologickými školeniami, výcvikmi a praxou. Som medzinárodne certifikovaný kouč s viac ako 500 hodinami poskytnutých sedení. Na mojich sedeniach ideme hlboko do systému, nachádzame a čistíme programy, ktoré sa nás dotýkajú, takže či už ide o vážnu drámu, alebo len malý kašlík, nájdeme správne riešenia, ktoré prinášajú hlbokú premenu klientovho života. Nájdené programy dávame vždy do kontextu s témou klienta, aby aj on vedome pochopil, čo sa deje v jeho podvedomí. Odkrývanie nevedomých programov a pochopenie na vedomej úrovni, ako sa odrážajú v našej realite. To je spôsob, akým vediem klienta k premene, či už v živote, práci, vzťahoch, alebo zdraví. Dôležitou súčasťou našej spoločnej práce je aj čas. Niekomu stačí jedna konštelácia a vyrieši problém na niekoľko rokov dopredu. Niekto iný zasa potrebuje odhaľovať a transformovať postupne, pomaly a hlboko do svojej duše. Každý má svoj čas, spôsob a riešenie. Pracujem s jednotlivcom aj so skupinou.

Working Language(s)

English, Czech, Slovak

Type of Constellation Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations
  • Organisational Constellations
  • Life Integration Process (LIP Wilfried Nelles)

Area of Constellation Work

Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: No