Undine Whande
constellations trainer and facilitator
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Constellator Profile
Personal Information
- constellations trainer and facilitator
Place(s) of Work
Place of local Work
About me
Freetext "about me" in english
Undine Whande (PhD UCT Social Anthropology) works as a systems & family constellations practitioner and executive leadership coach in Cape Town. She accompanies individuals, teams and organisations that seek to evolve the potential for healing and development out of experiences of conflict and crisis. In the 1990s Undine closely collaborated with the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and the Healing of Memories in South Africa. Her focus has been on transforming the effects of painful histories on trans-generational relations, enabling space for re-weaving the social fabric. She hosts spaces for healing and re-connecting to new possibilities – thriving in face of historical woundedness.
Freetext "about me" in mothertongue
Undine Whande (PhD UCT Social Anthropology) hat eine Praxis fuer System- und Familienaufstellungen und ist Executive Leadership Coach in Kapstadt. Sie begleitet Menschen und Organisationen, die aus Konflikt- und Krisenerfahrungen Heilungs- und Entwicklungspotenziale entwickeln möchten. In den 1990er Jahren arbeitete Undine eng mit der South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) und dem Healing of Memories in Südafrika zusammen. Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt auf Transformation der Auswirkungen von Geschichte(n) – persoenlich, institutionell, gesellschaftlich - auf Beziehungen, innerhalb und zwischen den Generationen. Hier braucht es oft Raum für unausgesprochene Gedanken und Gefuehle die ein sich-neu-verbinden moeglich machen. Undine arbeitet in verschiedenen sozialen Kreisen und Netzwerken die neue Möglichkeiten zur Heilung erkunden.
Working Language(s)
English, German
Type of Constellation Work
- Systemic / Family Constellations
- Organisational Constellations
- Others
Area of Constellation Work
- Family, Partnership, Friendship
- Personal Development
- Education, School and School Management
- Health + Body
- Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
- Politics + Society
- Litigation + Mediation
- Spirituality + Religion
- Animals + Nature
Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: Yes