Constellator Profile

Personal Information

Member Nr.: 874
Family Name: Cecchetti
First Name: Carlo
Gender: Male
Academic Degree & title: n/a


  • Gardener, Garden Designer, Landscaper, Consultant

Place(s) of Work

Place of work is: online, local

Place of local Work

City: Shrewsbury
State/County: England
Country: United Kingdom


About me

Freetext "about me" in english

I come from a multigenerational family of garden designers, landscapers, nurserymen, gardeners in Rome. During my personal development work, I started experimenting systemic applications to my profession since 2013, when I wrote my ” A Constellation enlightens my garden ” white paper. Today I am experimenting, cocreating collaborations, and I offer solutions that enable people to meet the cultural challenges we are increasingly facing, whilst living in their unique integralgarden as a resource and enabler for peace and beauty.

Freetext "about me" in mothertongue


Working Language(s)

English, Italian

Type of Constellation Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations
  • Organisational Constellations
  • SySt® Constellations (Varga von Kibed)
  • Life Integration Process (LIP Wilfried Nelles)

Area of Constellation Work

Works as a Trainer for Constellation work: No