Constellator Profile

Personal Information

Member Nr.: 4915
Family Name: Goossens
First Name: Annelies
Gender: Female
Academic Degree & title: Beginner


  • Sports teacher, Constellator

Place(s) of Work

Place of work is: local

Place of local Work

City: Bruges
State/County: Flanders
Country: Belgium


About me

Freetext "about me" in english

I m a sports teacher and I feel the need of constellations in education. I want to help children during my lessons.

Freetext "about me" in mothertongue

Ik ben leerkracht LO in de derde graad in een sportschool in Brugge. Ik voel dat de jeugd een andere ondersteuning nodig hebben om zich te kunnen inzetten en focussen. Te veel leerlingen haken af wegens Bore-out.

Working Language(s)

English, Dutch

Type of Constellation Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations

Area of Constellation Work

Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: No