Constellator Profile

Personal Information

Member Nr.: 258
Family Name: Eidmann
First Name: Freda
Gender: Female
Academic Degree & title: Diplompädagogin


  • Psychotherapist

Place(s) of Work

Place of work is: local

Place of local Work

City: Hannover
State/County: Niedersachsen
Country: Germany


About me

Freetext "about me" in english

Psychotherapeutic work since 1989, constellation work since 1994, trainer since 2000 (German and English) – with human and human+animal systems. Trainings in systemic familiy therapy+Ericksonian hypnotherapy+constellation work since 1994 in Germany West+East and US w/ familiy-, organisation-, body-, mental-, Ego States-systems Trainer since 2000 in Germany and Eastern Europe Trainings in psychooncology+ psychotraumatology+psychodynamic child therapy (trainer) +psychoanalytic group therapy (trainer). Zen practitioner since 1983, lay ordained/teacher since 2016 – integrating constellation work and Zen approach/meditation. Married, two dogs (Samoyeds).

Freetext "about me" in mothertongue


Working Language(s)

English, German

Type of Constellation Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations
  • Organisational Constellations

Area of Constellation Work

Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: Yes