Constellator Profile

Personal Information

Member Nr.: 99
Family Name: Calderon
First Name: Jimy
Gender: Male
Academic Degree & title: Student


  • Systemic Consultant

Place(s) of Work

Place of work is: online, local

Place of local Work

Country: Peru


About me

Freetext "about me" in english

I love working based on the systemic perspective because I see that it can be applied to many fields. I personally like music, reading poetry, avant-garde literature and manual activities such as putting together puzzles or working on paper engineering. Master trainer in systemic constellations certified by INFOSYON (Germany). Psychology (UNMSM), specializing in Educational Management. It has developed training courses in both South and Central America. Invited as a workshop speaker at international constellator congresses: IOCTI 2016 (Uruguay), IOCTI 2017 (Costa Rica), IOCTI 2018 (Slovenia). In the latter, he was invited as a trainer. Currently, founding partner of NEXA.

Freetext "about me" in mothertongue

Master trainer en constelaciones sistémicas certificado por INFOSYON (Alemania). Psicología (UNMSM), con especialización en Gestión educativa. Ha desarrollado cursos de formación tanto en Sudamérica como Centroamérica. Invitado como tallerista en congresos internacionales de consteladores: IOCTI 2016 (Uruguay), IOCTI 2017 (Costa Rica), IOCTI 2018 (Eslovenia). En este último, fue invitado como trainer. Actualmente, socio fundador de NEXA.

Working Language(s)


Type of Constellation Work

  • Organisational Constellations

Area of Constellation Work

  • Organisation for Profit/for Purpose

Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: Yes