Juergen Ziemann

#68 • * 1959 • Male
Business Consultant
Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Business Consultant
Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Joined Jun 2022 •
Active a week ago
Constellator Recognition
1. Professional Competence
1.1 Education as a Constellator
Name of Training:
Weiterbildung in Systemaufstellung im psychosozialen Kontext
Name of Trainer:
Stephanie Hartung
Year of Completion:
Duration in hours:
1.4 Attended other Systemic or similar Training(s)
1.5 Further professional education as a Constellator per Year
3 days per year and more
1.7 Special Topic Expertise as a Constellator in the Organisational Area
- Vision, Mission, Brand / Purpose
- Strategy + Goals
- Structure, Processes, Organisation Chart
- Role, Function, Cooperation
- Leadership
- Sales + Customer Relations
- Innovation, Change, Growth
1.8 Recognition as a Constellator by another association
Title of Recognition:
Name of the Recognising Association:
First Year of Recognition:
2. Experience and Practice
2.1 Duration of Work as a Constellator
1 year and more
2.2 Number of Constellations facilitated per Year
up to 10
2.3 Attended Peer Group Meetings / Supervision Groups / Intervision Groups etc. per Year
up to 3
2.4 Attended Constellation Events of Colleagues / Constellation Congresses, Intensives, etc. per Year
3. Contribution to the Development of Constellation Work
3.1 Honorary Work in a Non-Profit Association for Constellation Work
Name/Title of Honory Position:
Chief Technical Officer, Technical Developer, Founder
Name of non-profit Constellation Association:
Constellators International
from Year:
to Year:
3.2 Volunteer Work at a Congress, Intensive, etc., of a Non-Profit Association for Constellation Work
Description of Volunteer Activity:
Helping hand
Name of the Event/Congress/Incentive:
DGFS Regionaltage NRW
3.4 Constellations pro Bono
up to 3 per year