Piero Alvarado Gervasi
Systemic Consultant, Coach, Systemic Facilitator, Organisational Constellator, MasterTrainer
Callao Region, Peru
Constellator Profile
Personal Information
- Systemic Consultant, Coach, Systemic Facilitator, Organisational Constellator, MasterTrainer
Place(s) of Work
Place of local Work
About me
Freetext "about me" in english
I help leaders, teams and organisations to create understanding and solutions for their challenges, goals and decisions, as well as to strengthen the competencies that facilitate the achievement of their results, using the resources and tools of the #systemic approach, in consulting, coaching and facilitation processes, at the service of workplace climate, organisational culture, organisational change, leadership, accountability, soft skills, collective social intelligence, emotional intelligence, teambuilding, psychological safety, resilience, with teams that deal more naturally and proactively with complexity.
Freetext "about me" in mothertongue
Acompaño a líderes, equipos y organizaciones a crear comprensiones y soluciones a sus desafíos, objetivos y toma de decisiones, como a potenciar las competencias que facilitan el logro de sus resultados, con los recursos y herramientas del enfoquesistémico, en procesos de consultoría coaching y facilitación, al servicio del climalaboral culturaorganizacional cambioorganizacional liderazgo #accountability habilidadesblandas inteligenciacolectiva inteligenciasocial inteligenciaemocional teambuilding seguridadpsicológica resiliencia con equipos que se relacionan de una forma más natural y proactiva con la complejidad
Working Language(s)
Type of Constellation Work
- Systemic / Family Constellations
- Organisational Constellations
Area of Constellation Work
- Family, Partnership, Friendship
- Personal Development
- Health + Body
- Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: No