Isabella Bucciol
Systemic Family Constellation Practitioner, Emotional Mind Integration Practitioner, Human Resource Consultant specialised in Human Resource outplacement, training and development, Counsellor, Psychotherapist
Manly West, Queensland, Australia
Constellator Profile
Personal Information
- Systemic Family Constellation Practitioner, Emotional Mind Integration Practitioner, Human Resource Consultant specialised in Human Resource outplacement, training and development, Counsellor, Psychotherapist
Place(s) of Work
Place of local Work
About me
Freetext "about me" in english
Hi, I am Isabella, an Italian-born living in Australia with my two little daughters and my partner. I studied for my Bachelor’s in Human Resources because I have always been passionate about people. In my early years of work experience after university, I worked mainly with people made redundant who were struggling to find a new profession because they could not recognise any good about themselves. This made me reflect on how much our emotional blocks can stop us from living a happy and fulfilled life and then led me to discover the Systemic Family Constellation work 17 years ago. Since then, I have been passionate about this incredible and powerful way of healing. So, I studied and earned my Certificate as a Systemic Family Constellation practitioner. Later on, I enhanced my skills as an Emotional Mind Integration Practitioner. This method uses a light trance state to solve emotional issues. I am currently using both ways, depending on the client’s needs. Other Certifications: Certificate in Psychogenealogy and Genosociogram Certificate in Conscious Parenting. Understanding children’s behaviours as a consequence of emotional struggle and trauma.
Freetext "about me" in mothertongue
Lavoro con le costellazioni familiar sistemiche in persona e online. In persona individuali e di gruppo, online solo individuali. Seguo I principi e la guida di Bert Hellinger. Il mio obiettivo e’ di fornire un modo autentico di lavorare con il metodo delle costellazioni perche’ e' un metodo efficace che lavora a un livello profondo dell'anima. Frequento spesso seminari e incontri professionali sia in Australia che in Italia perche’ ritengo che la formazione continua sia molto importante per migliorare le proprie capacita’ professionali. Lavoro utilizzando entrambe le lingue, Inglese e Italiano. Mi avvalgo anche di strumenti come il genosociogramma. Mi appassiona aiutare i genitori che hanno difficolta' con i figli.
Working Language(s)
English, Italian
Type of Constellation Work
- Systemic / Family Constellations
Area of Constellation Work
- Family, Partnership, Friendship
- Personal Development
- Health + Body
Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: No