Kar Kin Richard Tsang
Social Worker, Life Coach
New Territories, Hong Kong
Constellator Profile
Personal Information
- Social Worker, Life Coach
Place(s) of Work
Place of local Work
About me
Freetext "about me" in english
Grow up in a grass root family with other four siblings in 1970s, as the youngest boy, I enjoyed the privilege to explore the world without the “earn for living” fear. Anthropology provides me a telescope to take an alternative view of the world. Through the academic understanding of the primitive healing approach, I realized that magic, shamanism, supernatural power could be easily found in our daily life, at the same time, I started to identify the indelible mark of it in the real life. During the time I worked for the mental illnesses social work service, those ex-mental illnesses clients give me lots of opportunity to explore their inner world, for instance, they would lose their control just in a second because of their parent’s some unconscious gesture. That amazing experience impressed me when I worked for the ex-mental illnesses twenty years ago, drives me to find out: any magic to heal the emotional, mental, or any other life issues? As a life coach for another 15 years. I finally realized that constellation is probably the greatest intervention with multi-dimensional understanding of one’s life. We need a knowing field to manifest our inner world to the outer world.
Freetext "about me" in mothertongue
人類學和社會工作嚴謹的質、量訓練讓我以更尊敬的態度去看待每一個個案以及每一次工作坊。售類學內提到的傳統醫學、原始宗教的神秘感,放了在主流輔導學中,好像有點風馬牛不相及。多年生命教練的工作,讓我有機會窺探生命成長的可能性,也眼見即使傷痕累累,只要有足夠意願,生命仍然是有出路的。 綜合百家之長,柔合了中西方智慧,把自己多年來的實務經驗,加上社會工作的嚴謹守則,形成了一套獨有的個案工作風格。 生活在21世紀的香港,我們的上一輩,大都經歷過戰亂、遷移、逃命、分離和大量的社會事件,作為他們的下一代,我們都記載著他們的創傷,有幸成為系統排列工作者,讓自己有機會,重新再定義,歷史賦予我們的使命。
Working Language(s)
English, Chinese (Mandarin)
Type of Constellation Work
- Systemic / Family Constellations
- Organisational Constellations
Area of Constellation Work
- Family, Partnership, Friendship
- Personal Development
- Health + Body
- Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
- Politics + Society
- Culture, Architecture, Arts, Film, Theatre
Works as a Trainer for Constellation work: No