Constellator Profile

Personal Information

Member Nr.: 88
Family Name: Butz
First Name: Suzanne
Gender: Female
Academic Degree & title: Adv.Dip. Holistic Psychotherapy


  • Holistic Psychotherapist, Somatic Psychotherapist, Psycho-Educator, Constellation Facilitator

Place(s) of Work

Place of work is: online, local

Place of local Work

State/County: New South Wales
Country: Australia


About me

Freetext "about me" in english

Helping people move from a surviving life to a thriving life has long been my passion. Constellation work is integral to all my work – having that sense of my ancestors and the ancestors of others brings a depth to life. Working as a psychotherapist I am always looking for what is blocking this life flow and discovering the next step to thriving. Growing up in a typically very dysfunctional family led me to an early adult-hood of seemingly inviting dramas and traumas into my life. Working in the Information Technology industry for over 20 years allowed me to stay focused in my own head, but I observed the stress and trauma that others also suffered from and the impacts these had on their life and their work. In my 40s I was drawn irresistibly to retrain as a holistic psychotherapist. I wanted to work from my heart and yet still have rigorous boundaries. Finding training in a holistic, somatic-focused approach (Process Oriented Psychology) that recognised field and systems theory led me to my first trainings in Systemic Constellation work.

Freetext "about me" in mothertongue

These trainings supported me as I discovered my fascination of working with stress and trauma. Ultimately I also trained in TRE* (Trauma Releasing Exercises) which I feel rounded out my approach to use with clients. I continue working on my own stresses and traumas and derive deep satisfaction helping others find ways to become their own person. My passion for helping myself and others move from surviving to thriving continues to grow.

Working Language(s)


Type of Constellation Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations
  • Organisational Constellations

Area of Constellation Work

Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: Yes