Constellator Recognition

1. Professional Competence

1.1 Education as a Constellator

Name of Training: Weiterbildung in Systemaufstellung/phaenomenologisch-systemischer Psyochotherapie
Name of Trainer: Stephan Hausner
Year of Completion: 2011
Duration in hours: 240

1.2 Professional Qualification in the Psychosocial / Educational Area

  • Alternative Healing Methods

1.4 Attended other Systemic or similar Training(s)

Name of Training: Aboriginal Dream Time Healing using Holographic Kinetics
Name of Trainer: Steve Richards
Year of Completion: ongoing
Duration in hours: 240

1.5 Further professional education as a Constellator per Year

36 days per year and more

1.6 Special Topic Expertise as a Constellator in the Psychosocial / Educational Area

  • Personal Development
  • Family, Partnership, Friendship
  • Sexuality
  • Body, Psyche + Illness
  • Trauma
  • Death

1.8 Recognition as a Constellator by another association

Title of Recognition:
Name of the Recognising Association:
First Year of Recognition:

2. Experience and Practice

2.1 Duration of Work as a Constellator

15 years and more

2.2 Number of Constellations facilitated per Year

200 and more

2.3 Attended Peer Group Meetings / Supervision Groups / Intervision Groups etc. per Year

6 and more

2.4 Attended Constellation Events of Colleagues / Constellation Congresses, Intensives, etc. per Year


3. Contribution to the Development of Constellation Work

3.1 Honorary Work in a Non-Profit Association for Constellation Work

Name/Title of Honory Position: Ehrenamtliche Vorsitzende Praesidentin
Name of non-profit Constellation Association: Verein Equilibrium
from Year: 2022
to Year: 2024

3.4 Constellations pro Bono

> 26 per year

3.5 Publications about Constellation Work

3.6 Work on/with Constellation Work in the scientific Field