Trainer Profile

Personal Information

Member Nr.: 240
Family Name: Hetterschijt
First Name: Natasja Tamara
Gender: Female
Academic Degree & title: M.Sc Systemic Psychology (CUDEC), M.Sc Family Constellations (Brigitte Champetier de Ribes), Systemic Coaching (Hylke Bonnema), Family Constellations Hellinger Science, M.Sc Environmental Science, B.Sc Women Studies, B.Sc Tropical Agriculture and Rural Development


  • Systemic Psychologist and Coach, Family and Business Constellator

Place(s) of work as a trainer

Place of work is: local

Place of local Work

City: Ciudad de Guatemala
State/County: Guatemala
Country: Guatemala


About me

Freetext "about me" in english

I have been a trainer in Systemic Constellations since 2014. I was still learning myself I when I was asked to be an asistant trainer at the University Rafael Landívar in Guatemala City and although I was not sure, I took the opportunity. Since then I have trained four promotions in the University. Due to change of the authority of the University the basic course was ended. In 2015 I co-founded the Guatemalan Institute for Family Constellations (ICOF) and trained seven basic promotions, two experts and one deeping course that I named The Way of the Constellator. ICOF got the attention of CUDEC México and obtained the permission to graduate at international level, as CUDEC added to the basic course 6 more modules, all under the “blessing” of Bert Hellinger. I became part of the trainer staff of CUDEC, allowing to be credited as trainer. Then I took the Master in Systemic Psycology of CUDEC ending in 2018. By that time I was no longer comfortable with the quality of the entrainments and left ICOF. I then gave one basic training in Mens Venilia and also one systemic coaching training. With my own company I trained in methods and supervision of my former students. I still give the MasterClass Organisational Constellations twice a year, but I am super happy to have the opportunity to register and give feedback on the Curricular at international level, to finally garantee the depth and skills necesary to be a certified constellator.

Freetext "about me" in mothertongue

Soy formadora en Constelaciones Sistémicas desde el 2014. Aún estaba en proceso de aprendizaje cuando me ofrecieron ser formadora asistente en la Universidad Rafael Landívar en la Ciudad de Guatemala y aunque no estaba segura, aproveché la oportunidad. Desde entonces he formado cuatro promociones en la Universidad. Debido al cambio de autoridad de la Universidad se dio por terminado el curso básico. En el 2015 co fundé el Instituto Guatemalteco de Constelaciones Familiares (ICOF) y formé siete promociones básicas, dos expertos y un curso de profundización que llamé El Camino del Constelador. ICOF llamó la atención de CUDEC México y obtuvo el permiso para graduarse a nivel internacional, ya que CUDEC agregó al curso básico 6 módulos mas, todo bajo la “bendición” de Bert Hellinger. Pasé a formar parte del equipo de formadores de CUDEC, lo que me permitió ser acreditada como formadora. Luego realicé el Máster en Psicología Sistémica de CUDEC que finalizó en 2018. En ese momento ya no me sentía cómoda con la calidad de los entrenamientos y dejé ICOF. Luego di una formación básica en Mens Venilia y también una formación de coaching sistémico. Con mi propia empresa me formé en métodos y supervisión de mis antiguos alumnos. Sigo dando la MasterClass de Constelaciones Organizacionales dos veces al año, pero estoy súper feliz de tener la oportunidad de registrarme y dar feedback sobre el Curricular a nivel internacional, para finalmente garantizar la profundidad y las habilidades necesarias para ser un constelador certificado.

Working Language(s)

Spanish, English

Type of Training-Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations
  • Organisational Constellations
  • Others

Area of Training Work

  • Family, Partnership, Friendship
  • Personal Development
  • Health + Body
  • Organisation for Profit/for Purpose

Kind of Constellation Training

  • Constellation Basic Traning > 90h
  • Constellation Advanced Training > 90h
  • Constellation Theme-Specialisations
  • Constellation Method-Skills
  • Supervision for Constellators

Kind of Training for Constellation Trainers