Dmitri Blizniuc
Systemic constellator, system coach, psychologist, entrepreneur, instructor, musician
Constellator Profile
Personal Information
- Systemic constellator, system coach, psychologist, entrepreneur, instructor, musician
Place(s) of Work
Place of local Work
About me
Freetext "about me" in english
Graduated from the Pedagogical Faculty of the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts in Chisinau. Classical guitar teacher, choral conducting teacher. Entrepreneur. Student of the IIS-Berlin Basic Course on Systemic Constellations, graduate of the IIS-Berlin Course in Online Group. Systemic Constellator in Offline and Online Group, System Coach. Loving husband and father of 3 children.
Freetext "about me" in mothertongue
Закончил Педагогический факультет Академии Музыки, Театра и Изобразительного Искусства г. Кишинева. Преподаватель игры на классической гитаре, преподаватель хорового дирижирования. Предприниматель. Студент IIS-Berlin базового курса по Системным Расстановкам, выпускник IIS-Berlin курса в Онлайн-группе. Системный расстановщик в Оффлайн и Онлайн-группе, системный коуч. Любящий муж и отец 3 детей.
Working Language(s)
Romanian, Russian
Type of Constellation Work
- Systemic / Family Constellations
- Others
Area of Constellation Work
Works as a Trainer for Constellation work: No