Constellator Profile

Personal Information

Member Nr.: 310
Family Name: Anthonsen
First Name: Mette
Gender: Female
Academic Degree & title: PhD


  • Executive Coach

Place(s) of Work

Place of work is: online, local

Place of local Work

City: Gothenburg
State/County: Västra Götaland County
Country: Sweden


About me

Freetext "about me" in english

I have a background in journalism and political science research, and since 2009 have divided my time between academia and the corporate world, where I have an international client base. I am certified in systemic constellation (2016) and hold the PCC credentials from ICF. Happy to work with individuals, teams and larger groups. I work as a coach and facilitator out of Sweden, and offer my services in Danish and Swedish as well as English. I have a background in journalism and political science research, and since 2009 have divided my time between academia and the corporate world, where I have an international client base. I am certified in systemic constellation (2016) and hold the PCC credentials from ICF. Happy to work with individuals, teams and larger groups. I am born in Denmark, have lived in the UK and now reside in Sweden since 1998. I am mother of three, married and reenergize with cooking, sports and outdoor (water) activities. I have an interview book on compassion out 2020 – in Swedish.

Freetext "about me" in mothertongue

Hej, jag är coach och facilitator och håller till i Göteborg, men jobbar gärna online också. Har en bakgrund inom journalistik och forskning (statsvetenskap) och har sedan 2009 jobbat dels inom akademin, dels i eget bolag, där jag har kunder i Sverige och utomlands. Jobbar lika bekvämt på danska, engelska och svenska. Jag ar certifierad i systemiska organisationskonstellationer sedan 2016 och är coach på PCC-nivå (ICF). Jobbar lika gärna med individer, som med teams och större grupper. Jag har tre barn, och gift och tycker om att laga mat och träna, läsa och vara utomhus med familjen, t ex på havet. I 2020 gav jag ut en intervjubok – Mera medkänsla.

Working Language(s)

English, Swedish, Danish

Type of Constellation Work

  • Organisational Constellations

Area of Constellation Work

  • Organisation for Profit/for Purpose

Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: No