Yana Kosacheva
Import – Export Manager, Entrepreneur, Language Coach and Interpreter, Systemic Family Constellator
Veneto, Italy
Constellator Profile
Personal Information
- Import – Export Manager, Entrepreneur, Language Coach and Interpreter, Systemic Family Constellator
Place(s) of Work
Place of local Work
About me
Freetext "about me" in english
A graduate in foreign languages and literature with a pedagogical focus, from 2012 for 5 years she was in training at Bert and Sophie Hellinger's Hellingerschule (Germany), where she not only learnt systemic family knowledge but also translated the school's seminars and teaching and promotional material. She speaks Italian, Russian, German and English. Familiar with the works of Franz Ruppert, Stephan Hausner, Elena Veselago and other world-renowned constellators. Translated the books of Andreas Krüger and Klaus Jürgen Becker, Joël Weser into Russian. In 2021, she attended Rich Litvin's Intensive Coaching Programme (Canada). In 2020-2021 she graduated in psychology with a specialisation in TVU (analogue of RPT). She continues to update regularly at the AICFS Continuing Education. FAC CERTIFIED Professional Constellator Hellinger method registered at no. 12. Facilitates systemic family constellations both in groups and individually on couple relationships, illnesses/symptoms, social relationships, parent/child relationships ect.
Freetext "about me" in mothertongue
Laureata in lingue e letterature straniere con indirizzo pedagogico, dal 2012 per 5 anni è stata in formazione da Bert e Sophie Hellinger in Hellingerschule (Germania), dove non solo apprendeva le conoscenze familiari sistemiche ma anche svolgeva le traduzioni dei seminari e del materiale didattico e promozionale della scuola. Parla italiano, russo, tedesco, inglese. Conosce i lavori di Franz Ruppert, Stephan Hausner, Elena Veselago ed altri costellatori conosciuti nel mondo. Ha tradotto i libri di Andreas Krüger e Klaus Jürgen Becker, Joël Weser in russo. Nel 2021 ha seguito Intensive Coaching Programm di Rich Litvin (Canada). Nel 2020-2021 ha conseguito il diploma in psicologia con la specializzazione in TVU (analogo di RPT). Continua regolarmente ad aggiornarsi presso la Formazione Continua AICFS. Professionista Certificata FAC CERTIFICA Costellatrice metodo Hellinger iscritta nel Registro al n. 12. Conduce le costellazioni familiari sistemiche sia di gruppo sia individuali sulla relazione di coppia, mallattie / sintomi, relazioni sociali, rapporto genitori / figli ect.
Working Language(s)
English, Russian, Italian
Type of Constellation Work
- Systemic / Family Constellations
Area of Constellation Work
- Family, Partnership, Friendship
- Personal Development
Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: No