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#4932 / Platinum Constellator
Working online
Mikhail Klarin’s Business Lab
Position in the Company
business consultant; university professor
Company URL
- Organisational Constellations
- business constellations; societal constellations
- Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
- Politics + Society
I run business, organizational and social constellations to support high-stake decision-making
I am a seasoned strategic facilitator, executive coach, and organizational consultant.
My focus is on supporting Founders, Business Families, Entrepreneurs, Leaders, and Executive Teams in challenging situations.
My background in physics and math taught me to look for viable and realistic solutions. Art and psychology gave me the background for a fluid, organic, non-violent intervention methodology.
I am an opinion leader in the business/corporate L&D industry, including training, mentoring, executive coaching, and management consulting. Co-founder and the first Chair of the Association of Russian-Speaking Coaches. My unique competency is combining rapid in-depth methods of confidential business decision-making based on systemic approach, organizational, business, and societal constellations.
My academic background: PhD, DrSc, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Education
Я автор Методологии моделирования оперативного будущего на основе системных расстановок. Эксперт в области развивающих практик, тренинга, наставничества, коучинга высших руководителей, организационного / управленческого консультирования, образования, практической психологии. Интеллектуальный партнер первых лиц, лидеров и управленческих команд.
Направленность работы: сложные ситуации вызовов в отрасли, сегментах рынков, организационных изменений, принятия и реализации стратегических решений; работа с акционерами, бизнес-партнерами, членами советов директоров, топ-менеджерами, топ-командами.
Поддерживаю бизнес-лидеров и управленческие команды в ситуациях задач-вызовов, орг. изменений. Академический бэкграунд: доктор педагогических наук, член-корреспондент Российской академии образования.
Qualification as a Constellator
Professional Qualification
Basic Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours
Advanced Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section
Experience + Practice
Contribution to the Constellation Work
Total of reached points: 0 / 100
Level of recognition Platinum Constellator