CI Constellators

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Constellator Profile
Vorstman Verele
#262 / Master Constellator


United Kingdom



Working online


Position in the Company


Company URL

Contact Me

Type of Constellation Work
  • Systemic / Family Constellations
Area Of constellation Work
  • Family, Partnership, Friendship
  • Personal Development
  • Health + Body
  • Culture, Architecture, Arts, Film, Theatre
  • Spirituality + Religion

About / English

Hello! The more I do this work, the more I am intrigued by the layers and wisdom of it; the more I am nourished by the profound healing of it. I am being guided by my own hunger for learning and understanding, by finding common threads and the details that vary. It never fails to come up with surprising outcomes, trusting the process you will uncover something that you hadn’t thought about -which will lead you to more healing. It has made me so much more at peace with the world and how people tick and understanding and accepting of what is. As such, I want to invite you to experience the same liberating and nourishing process. It’s quite wonderful.
As a psychologist (MSc), I like to keep up with the latest research and root my work in robust findings. I am certain there will be more and more scientific underpinning of this work, as the working of it is so powerful. Wherever I can, I am working on contributing.

About / Mother Tongue

Hallo! Hoe meer ik dit werk doe, hoe meer ik geintrigeerd ben door de gelaagdheid en de diepe wijsheid ervan; en hoe meer ik gevoed word door de intense heling die het brengt. Ik laat me leiden door mijn eigen nieuwsgierigheid, leergierigheid en honger naar begrip, altijd op zoek naar de rode draad en de individuele details. Zonder uitzondering komt er een verrassende uitkomst, waar je niet eerder aan had gedacht, die meer heling brengt. Het brengt me zoveel meer begrip over hoe de mens en de wereld werkt en als zodanig ook meer acceptatie. Ik wil je uitnodigen dit bevrijdende en voedende proces ook te ervaren. Het is nogal fantastisch.
Vanwege mijn psycholgische wetenschappelijke achtergrond, hou ik de laatste wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen bij en baseer mijn werk daarop. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat er steeds meer en meer wetenschappelijke onderbouwing gaat komen voor dit baanbrekende en krachtige werk. Daar draag ik graag een steentje aan bij.

Qualification as a Constellator

Professional Qualification

Attended Basic Training

The Basic training that the Constellator has successfully completed
Basic Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours

Foundation training, Centre for Systemic Constellations

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Chris Williams, Gaye Donaldson, Nicola Dunn, Judith Hemming, Jutta van Herkel, Ed Rowland

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

applied training Centre for Systemic Constellations

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Centre for Systemic Constellations

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Couples Training Centre for Systemic Constellations

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Centre for Systemic Constellations

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer

Duration in Hours

Attended Advanced Training

The Basic training that the Constellator has successfully completed
Advanced Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours

advanced training Centre for Systemic Constellations

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Centre for Systemic Constellations

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Other recognitions

The recognition(s) that were awarded to the Constellator by other Organization(s) / Association(s)

Professional Development

The amount of days per year that the Constellator engages in his professional development

6 days per year and more

Expertise Psy-Social/Education

The special topic expertise of the Constellator in the psycho-social / educational area

Personal Development, Family, Partnership, Friendship, Education, Body, Psyche + Illness, Trauma, Death

Qualification Psy-Social/Education

Professional qualification of the Constellator in the psycho-social / educational area


Qualification Scientific

Professional qualification of the Constellator in the scientific area



The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of professional qualification
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section

Experience + Practice

Duration of work

The amount of years that the Constellator has worked in the constellation field

5 years and more

Constellations per year

The number of Constellations that the Constellator facilitates per year

75 and more

Group work per year

The amount of group meetings that the Constellator attends per year

12 and more

Constellation events per year

The number of constellation events/congresses/gatherings that the constellator attends per year



The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of Experience and Practice
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section

Contribution to the Constellation Work

Non-profit Membership

The Constellator’s membership in a non-profit association for constellation work


Name of the Association

CI No. of the Association


From Year


To Year

Name of the Association

CI No. of the Association

From Year

To Year

Pro Bono

The amount of the constellations that the Constellations offer pro bono per year
Pro bono means: for free or for a significant reduced fee

> 26 per year


The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of Contribution to the Constellation Work
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section


Total of reached points: 52 / 100

Level of recognition Master Constellator