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#142 / Master Constellator
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta
Working online
Strategic Solution Center
Position in the Company
Lead Facilitator
Company URL
- Systemic / Family Constellations
- Organisational Constellations
- Family, Partnership, Friendship
- Personal Development
- Health + Body
- Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
- Politics + Society
- Information Technology
- Spirituality + Religion
Leksana possesses a unique blend of senior business expertise and exceptional facilitation and coaching skills. His journey into the realm of leadership development began over two decades ago, where he discovered his passion for working with leaders and guiding them toward their highest potential. His expertise spans top team alignment, organizational transformation, and leadership development, where he has partnered with numerous board members and top teams of MNCs, large private groups, and public enterprises across Asia. His impactful group work ranges from corporate strategic meetings to senior leadership retreats and comprehensive activities within large-scale transformation programs. His approach is characterized by humility and precision, guiding leaders to uncover latent forces that hinder progress and manifest their true potential. His interest in using the phenomenology and constellation approaches in an organizational environment first blossomed in 2015. In the recent years his passion is to bring collective healing in society and organizations. In addition to his work, he finds spiritual solace in meditating, hiking, reading, and working out.
Leksana memiliki perpaduan unik antara keahlian bisnis dan kemampuan memfasilitasi serta coaching. Perjalanannya ke ranah pengembangan kepemimpinan dimulai lebih dari dua dekade lalu, di mana ia menemukan misinya untuk bekerja dengan para pemimpin dan membimbing mereka menuju potensi mereka. Keahliannya mencakup penyelarasan tim puncak, transformasi organisasi, dan pengembangan kepemimpinan, di mana ia telah bermitra dengan banyak anggota dewan direksi dan tim puncak MNC, grup swasta besar, dan perusahaan publik di Asia. Karyanya meliputi fasilitasi meeting tahunan strategis perusahaan hingga retret kepemimpinan senior dan kegiatan komprehensif dalam program transformasi skala besar. Pendekatannya berciri kerendahan hati dan ketepatan, membimbing para pemimpin untuk mengungkap kekuatan laten yang menghambat kemajuan dan mewujudkan potensi terbesar mereka. Minatnya dalam menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi dan konstelasi dalam lingkungan organisasi pertama kali berkembang pada tahun 2015. Beberapa tahun terakhir minatnya membawa penyembuhan kolektif di masyarakat dan organisasi. Leksana menemukan ketenangan spiritual dalam bermeditasi, hiking, membaca, dan berolahraga.
Qualification as a Constellator
Professional Qualification
Basic Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours
SCBTO, Systemic Constellation Basic Training Online
Name of the Training
CI No. of the Training
Year of Completion
Stephanie Hartung
Name of the Trainer
CI No. of the Trainer
Duration in Hours
Advanced Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours
OCATO, Organization Constellation Advance Training Online
Name of the Training
CI No. of the Training
Year of Completion
Stephanie Hartung
Name of the Training
CI No. of the Trainer
Duration in Hours
24 days per year and more
Personal Development, Family, Partnership, Friendship, Education, Body, Psyche + Illness, Trauma
Vision, Mission, Brand / Purpose, Strategy + Goals, Structure, Processes, Organisation Chart, Role, Function, Cooperation, Personnel Selection + Recruitment, Leadership, Sales + Customer Relations, Innovation, Change, Growth
Psychotherapy / Gestalt Therapy
Engineering Sciences + Information Technology
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section
Experience + Practice
5 years and more
25 and more
12 and more
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section
Contribution to the Constellation Work
Pro bono means: for free or for a significant reduced fee
> 13 per year
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section
Total of reached points: 54 / 100
Level of recognition Master Constellator