CI Constellators

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Constellator Profile
Ledda Maria
#551 / Professional Constellator





Working online


Position in the Company


Company URL

Contact Me

Type of Constellation Work
  • Systemic / Family Constellations
  • Organisational Constellations
Area Of constellation Work
  • Family, Partnership, Friendship
  • Personal Development
  • Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
  • Litigation + Mediation
  • Spirituality + Religion

About / English

Many years ago, I choose to dedicate part of my life to personal growth.
In this way I experienced some of the many ways that people can use to help each other.
I felt some of these ways more close to me: at first I became passionate about them, and then I became eager to be an expert so I could use them to help people.
After some years studying with commitment, I first became Professional Counselor, learning how to use at my best an empathic and efficient communication. Then, I became Family Constellator, learning how to feel and how to transmit the love for our life.
Every day I try my best to practice what I learnt during those years, in my own familiar system, as a daughter, as a mother and as life companion, and in my corporate system, as a manager of a complex organization.
The path of personal evolution is long as life is: to learn new skills and share them with others is a mission that I pursue with joy, enthusiasm, and a sense of gratitude to life.

About / Mother Tongue

Tanti anni fa ho scelto di dedicare parte del mio percorso di vita alla crescita personale.
In questo modo ho scoperto alcuni dei tanti modi grazie a cui le persone possono aiutarsi tra di loro.
Alcuni di questi modi li ho sentiti a me più affini: prima me ne sono appassionata, e poi ho sviluppato il desiderio di diventarne esperta e utilizzarli come strumenti nella relazione d’aiuto.
Dopo alcuni anni di studio e impegno, sono dapprima diventata Counselor, imparando ad utilizzare al meglio la comunicazione empatica ed efficace. Poi, sono diventata Costellatrice Familiare, imparando a sentire e a trasmettere l’amore per la vita.
Ogni giorno cerco di mettere in pratica tutto ciò che ho appreso in questi anni, nel mio sistema familiare, come figlia, come madre e come compagna di vita, e nel mio sistema aziendale, come dirigente di una organizzazione complessa.
L’evoluzione personale è un percorso che dura una vita: imparare nuovi strumenti e condividerli con gli altri è una missione che curo con gioia, entusiasmo e gratitudine alla vita.

Qualification as a Constellator

Professional Qualification

Attended Basic Training

The Basic training that the Constellator has successfully completed
Basic Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours


Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Gabriele Policardo

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Attended Advanced Training

The Basic training that the Constellator has successfully completed
Advanced Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours

Hellinger Shule

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Sophie Hellinger and other trainers

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Other recognitions

The recognition(s) that were awarded to the Constellator by other Organization(s) / Association(s)

Costellatore familiare sistemico Master (family systemic costellator Master))

Title of Recongnition

AICFS (Association of italian systemic family constellators)

Name of Recognizing Organization / Association

CI No. of the Organization / Association


First year of Recognition

Professional Development

The amount of days per year that the Constellator engages in his professional development

6 days per year and more

Expertise Psy-Social/Education

The special topic expertise of the Constellator in the psycho-social / educational area

Personal Development, Family, Partnership, Friendship

Expertise Organizational

The special topic expertize of the constellator in the organizational area

Role, Function, Cooperation, Innovation, Change, Growth


The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of professional qualification
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section

Experience + Practice

Duration of work

The amount of years that the Constellator has worked in the constellation field

5 years and more

Constellations per year

The number of Constellations that the Constellator facilitates per year

10 and more

Group work per year

The amount of group meetings that the Constellator attends per year

less than 3

Constellation events per year

The number of constellation events/congresses/gatherings that the constellator attends per year



The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of Experience and Practice
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section

Contribution to the Constellation Work

Pro Bono

The amount of the constellations that the Constellations offer pro bono per year
Pro bono means: for free or for a significant reduced fee

> 3 per year


The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of Contribution to the Constellation Work
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section


Total of reached points: 26 / 100

Level of recognition Professional Constellator