Der innere Kompass
- Kind of Event: Other
Area of Event:
- Personal Development
Type of Event:
- Systemic / Family Constellations
- Others
- Language: German
Event Summary
About the event
This day workshop is aimed at persons who are interested in inner developement; individuals who want to listen to their inner voice and knowledge, for more clarity, orientation and tranquillity.
About the event in mothertongue
Dieser Tagesworkshop richtet sich an Menschen, die sich für Ihre innere Entwicklung engagieren; Personen, die ihrer inneren Stimme zuhören und ihr inneres Wissen nutzen wollen, um mehr Klarheit, Orientierung und Frieden zu finden.
Sa 29.03.202509.00 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
venue: Tirol/Austria
Timestructure in mothertongue
Sa 29.03.202509.00 - 17.00 Uhr