For this workshop, you need an extra keynote ticket (150 Euro)
Get your extra keynote ticket for this workshop here:
We offer 40 places in this workshop and recommend your early booking
KEYNOTE 1-day Workshop Workshop presented by Zena Me, UK
The workshop is also part of the ADVANCED TRAINING for holders of the SILVER TICKET
Finding your Eldership Niche in the Systemic Field
In indigenous tribes (such as the Aborigines and the Native Americans), the Elders work on behalf of the WHOLE system and are therefore slightly removed from their mainstream community. Their role is to create harmony and cohesion by bringing their deep insight and wisdom. They symbolically create a bridge between the multi-dimensional fields and the whole community. Zena believes that is also our role in constellations.
In her workshop, Zena guides us in finding our eldership niche in the systemic field.
About Zena
Zena was first introduced to Bert Hellinger’s work through her exploration of theatre and Augustus Boal’s ‘Theatre of the Oppressed’ process. She took this into Organisations, teaching Senior Corporate Executives how to access higher levels of consciousness to influence social change.
As a Practitioner of Constellations, she knows how challenging it can be to create a bridge between our powerful and the current prevailing leadership in organizations. To bridge this gap Zena has reframed this work into a place of ‘Eldership’, which offers a new ‘space’ and language for leaders in the Western world, in particular.