C- SRP view COPY2 4/21/2023

Constellator Profile

Kurth Anne
#4661 / Professional Constellator





Working online


Bergische University of Wuppertal

Position in the Company


Company URL


Contact Me

Type of Constellation Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations
  • Organisational Constellations
  • SySt® Constellations (Varga von Kibed)

Area Of constellation Work

  • Family, Partnership, Friendship
  • Personal Development
  • Health + Body
  • Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
  • Politics + Society
  • Culture, Architecture, Arts, Film, Theatre
  • Litigation + Mediation
  • Spirituality + Religion
  • Animals + Nature

About / English

What it’s really about – that’s what it’s about for me, that’s what I always want to find out together with my clients. It is not about what we construct for ourselves, but about what we carry within us as unconscious truth. Systemic constellation work is a key. For me change processes are like birth processes, I like to use the image of the midwife for my work. Because actually everything is already there, it just needs the decisive impulse so that the new can come into the world and live. I love contextual and experimental coaching and facilitation in research, teaching, practice as well as in organizations.

About / Mother Tongue

Veränderungsprozesse anzustoßen, sie mitzugestalten und Menschen dabei zu begleiten, ist nicht nur der rote Faden in meinem Berufsleben, sondern auch meine Passion. Mit der Gründung von Motherland bin ich konsequent meiner persönlichen Vision gefolgt. In die Motherland Experiences bringe ich neben meinem langjährigen Know-how als Dozentin an Universitäten und Hochschulen und als Unternehmerin auch meine Fähigkeiten als systemischer Coach und Constellator sowie Facilitator mit ein. Darüber hinaus erfahre, führe und lehre ich Systemische Aufstellungsarbeit seit 2004 in immer wieder neuen Kontexten – dieser Methode gehört meine ganze Begeisterung und die größte Aufmerksamkeit.

Qualification as a Constellator

Professional Qualification

Attended Basic Training

The Basic training that the Constellator has successfully completed
Basic Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours

Systemische Aufstellungsarbeit

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Margarete Beuret-Bellinghausen/Lothar Linz

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Systemische Aufstellung, Werkstatt für systemische Lösungen

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Prof. Dr. Heiko Kleve

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Attended Advanced Training

The Basic training that the Constellator has successfully completed
Advanced Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours

Other recognitions

The recognition(s) that were awarded to the Constellator by other Organization(s) / Association(s)

Professional Development

The amount of days per year that the Constellator engages in his professional development

12 days per year and more

Expertise Psy-Social/Education

The special topic expertise of the Constellator in the psycho-social / educational area

Personal Development, Family, Partnership, Friendship, Education

Expertise Organizational

The special topic expertize of the constellator in the organizational area

Vision, Mission, Brand / Purpose, Strategy + Goals, Structure, Processes, Organisation Chart, Role, Function, Cooperation, Leadership, Innovation, Change, Growth

Qualification Psy-Social/Education

Professional qualification of the Constellator in the psycho-social / educational area

Pedagogics / Social Work


The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of professional qualification
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section

Experience + Practice

Duration of work

The amount of years that the Constellator has worked in the constellation field

10 years and more

Constellations per year

The number of Constellations that the Constellator facilitates per year

75 and more

Group work per year

The amount of group meetings that the Constellator attends per year

6 and more

Constellation events per year

The number of constellation events/congresses/gatherings that the constellator attends per year



The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of Experience and Practice
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section

Contribution to the Constellation Work

Pro Bono

The amount of the constellations that the Constellations offer pro bono per year
Pro bono means: for free or for a significant reduced fee

> 6 per year

Scientific Teaching

The teaching about/with constellation work the Constellator has done in the scientific field

Social Competencies

Name of the Course

Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Name of the Univercity


Town / State / Country


From Year


To Year

Method Lab

Name of the Course

Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Name of the Univercity


Town / State / Country

From Year


To Year


The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of Contribution to the Constellation Work
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section


Total of reached points: 45 / 100

Level of recognition Professional Constellator