C- SRP view COPY2 4/21/2023

Constellator Profile

Peikari Moksha
#85 / Platinum Constellator





Working online



Position in the Company

Systemische Beratung

Company URL


Contact Me

Type of Constellation Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations
  • Organisational Constellations

Area Of constellation Work

  • Family, Partnership, Friendship
  • Personal Development
  • Health + Body
  • Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
  • Politics + Society
  • Culture, Architecture, Arts, Film, Theatre
  • Information Technology
  • Litigation + Mediation
  • Spirituality + Religion

About / English

I have been working as a Business consultant in the SAP environment on various regional and international projects more than 20 years. I have supported more than 25 companies in various projects with implementation and maintenance. I have gained a lot of experience in team management, business process consulting, software development and coaching. My customers were well-known companies such as HeidelbergCement, Deutsche Bahn, Kyocera… As a Business consultant I have worked in areas like sales, materials management, real estate, finance.

Since I met Bert Hellinger in 2008, I have discovered the love for constellation work. I received training at the Cologne UTA Institute and Academy with recognized therapists and teachers from DGfS – Ramateertha Doetsch, Subodhi Schweizer and Dwari Deutsch.

I am a certified family and systemic constellation trainer. I am also Advisoy Board member of Constellators International and and founder of Constellators Georgia.
I offer consulting, training and coaching in systemic and organizational development in Germany and also in my home country Georgia.
Actually I am very much involved in work for the growth of constellation work in Georgia.

About / Mother Tongue

საქართველოში ვსწავლობდი თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამხატვრო აკადემიაში არქიტექტურას. სწავლის შემდეგ გადავედი გერმანიაში, სადაც ვმუშაობდი გრაფიკულ დიზაინერად, სანამ ინტერესი არ გამიჩნდებოდა SAP -ის მიმართ.

ამის შემდეგ 20 წელიწადზე მეტი ვიმუშავე SAP -ის პროექტებში. მივიღე დიდი გამოცდილება როგორც მენეჯმენტის, ასევე პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფის სფეროებში. ჩემი კლიენტები იყვნენ ცნობილი კომპანიები, როგორებიც არიან: Kyocera, HeidelbergCement, Deutsche Bahn, Knauf…

როდესაც 2008 წელს ბერტ ჰელინგერს შევხვდი, ძალიან გამიტაცა მისმა მეთოდოლოგიამ. შემდგომში კიოლნში, UTA ინსტიტუტსა და აკადემიაში გავიარე რამდენიმე წლიანი სისტემური განლაგების ტრენინგი DGfS-ის აღიარებულ თერაპევტთან, რამატირთჰა დოეჩთან, სუბოდი შვაიცერთან და დვარი დოიჩთან.

ამჟამად ვმუშაობ ამ დარგში სერტიფიცირებულ ფასილიტატორად. ასევე გახლავართ CONSTELLATORS INTERNATIONAL-ის (CI) მრჩეველთა საბჭოს წევრი, CONSTELLATORS GEORGIA -ს დამფუძნებელი და ახლოს ვთანაშრომლობ კიოლნის FELD INSTITUT -თან.

ვორკშოპებს, სემინარებს და სესიებს ვატარებ გერმანიაში და ასევე საქართველოში. საქართველოში აქტიურად ვარ ჩართული სისტემური განლეგებების პოპულარიზაციაში, ამ სფეროს დანერგვაში და ასევე და რამოდენიმე სასწავლო პროექტებში.

Qualification as a Constellator

Professional Qualification

Attended Basic Training

The Basic training that the Constellator has successfully completed
Basic Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours

Training in Systemic Constellation Work

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Robert Doetsch

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Systemic Constellation Work

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Subodhi Schweizer

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Attended Advanced Training

The Basic training that the Constellator has successfully completed
Advanced Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours

Training in Systemic Constellation Work

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Robert Doetsch

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Other recognitions

The recognition(s) that were awarded to the Constellator by other Organization(s) / Association(s)

Educational Trainer for Systemic Constellations

Title of Recongnition

UTA Academy

Name of Recognizing Organization / Association

CI No. of the Organization / Association


First year of Recognition

Professional Development

The amount of days per year that the Constellator engages in his professional development

36 days per year and more

Expertise Psy-Social/Education

The special topic expertise of the Constellator in the psycho-social / educational area

Personal Development, Family, Partnership, Friendship, Body, Psyche + Illness, Trauma, Death, Tribal

Expertise Organizational

The special topic expertize of the constellator in the organizational area

Vision, Mission, Brand / Purpose, Strategy + Goals, Structure, Processes, Organisation Chart, Role, Function, Cooperation, Personnel Selection + Recruitment, Leadership, Sales + Customer Relations, Innovation, Change, Growth

Qualification Scientific

Professional qualification of the Constellator in the scientific area

Engineering Sciences + Information Technology


The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of professional qualification
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section

Experience + Practice

Duration of work

The amount of years that the Constellator has worked in the constellation field

15 years and more

Constellations per year

The number of Constellations that the Constellator facilitates per year

200 and more

Group work per year

The amount of group meetings that the Constellator attends per year

25 and more

Constellation events per year

The number of constellation events/congresses/gatherings that the constellator attends per year



The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of Experience and Practice
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section

Contribution to the Constellation Work

Non-profit Membership

The Constellator’s membership in a non-profit association for constellation work


Name of the Association

CI No. of the Association


From Year


To Year

Name of the Association

CI No. of the Association

From Year

To Year

Volunteer Work

The Constellator’s volunteer work for a constallation event / congress / gathering


Description of Volunteer Activity

Systemic Constellations

Name of the Event


Year of the Event


Description of Volunteer Activity

Organisational Constellations

Name of the Event


Year of the Event

Pro Bono

The amount of the constellations that the Constellations offer pro bono per year
Pro bono means: for free or for a significant reduced fee

> 26 per year

Articles / Essays

The article(s)/essay(s) that the Constellator has written on subjects within the field of constellation work

Online Blog Articles in Georgian Language

Title of the Article/Essay


Title / Name of Book / Magazine / Platform




Year of Publication


Place of publications

Moksha Peikari

Name of the Editor

Moksha Peikari

Name of the Author(s)

Scientific Teaching

The teaching about/with constellation work the Constellator has done in the scientific field

Systemic and Organisational Constellations

Name of the Course

Thinking Academy

Name of the Univercity


Town / State / Country

From Year

Tbilisi, Georgia

To Year


The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of Contribution to the Constellation Work
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section


Total of reached points: 80 / 100

Level of recognition Platinum Constellator