C- SRP view COPY2 4/21/2023

Constellator Profile

Esipova Kristina
#107 / Professional Constellator



Krasnodarskiy kray


Working online


Position in the Company

Psychologist, Constellations facilitator

Company URL

Contact Me

Type of Constellation Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations
  • Organisational Constellations
  • SySt® Constellations (Varga von Kibed)
  • Field therapy (E.Veselago approach)

Area Of constellation Work

  • Family, Partnership, Friendship
  • Personal Development
  • Health + Body
  • Organisation for Profit/for Purpose
  • Information Technology
  • Spirituality + Religion

About / English

The most frequent clients requests, that I work with, include (but are not limited to):

career questions,
desire to change life,
transition periods and crises in life,
childhood traumas,
unfolding life potential,
self-realization and search of resources,
finding own path in life,
relationships with partner,
issues of choice.

As for psychological consulting I took my first steps in 2014 adding resourceful art-therapy and coaching techniques to my main framework – Jungian-oriented work with imagery (symboldrama).

My path in constellations field started in 2015, since 2019 I started working online.

Till 2018 I also worked as and HR manager and Head of talent acquisition department, accumulating vision of how various business systems are functioning from the inside.

Since then I work in an integral approach, combining such instruments and methods as:

metaphoric cards,
family constellations,
contemporary systemic constellations,
systemic structural constellations, solution focused approach, spiritual shamanic work.

About / Mother Tongue

Наиболее частые клиентские запросы, с которыми я работаю, включают (но не ограничиваются) :

карьерные вопросы,
желание изменить свою жизнь,
переходные периоды и кризисы жизни,
детские травмы,
раскрытие потенциала,
депрессивные состояния,
самореализация и поиск ресурсов,
поиск собственного пути в жизни,
взаимоотношения с партнером,
вопросы выбора.

Первые практические шаги в психологическом консультировании я сделала в 2014, соединяя в работе ресурсные арт-терапевтические и коучинговые техники с моим основным направлением – Юнгиански-ориентированной работой с системой образов (символдрамой).

Мой путь в расстановках начался с 2015, с 2019 я начала делать расстановки и онлайн.

Вплоть до 2018 я так же работала HR менеджером и руководителем отдела подбора персонала. Это помогло сформировать видение того, как функционируют различные бизнес системы, изнутри.

Я работаю в интегративном подходе, сочетая такие инструменты и методы, как:

метафорические карты,
семейные расстановки,
структурные расстановки, ОРКТ, шаманские путешествия.

Qualification as a Constellator

Professional Qualification

Attended Basic Training

The Basic training that the Constellator has successfully completed
Basic Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours

Systemic therapy on the basis of B.Hellinger’s approach

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Balabanova N. V.

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Basic course in constellations

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Elena Veselago

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Field diagnostics and attribution

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Elena Veselago

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Field work with genogram and family history

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Elena Veselago

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Wellbeing (the seminar on working with money and estate questions)

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Elena Veselago

Name of the Trainer

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Attended Advanced Training

The Basic training that the Constellator has successfully completed
Advanced Training Pieces have a minimum of 90 hours

Transverbal language and systemic structural constellations

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Prof.Dr.Matthias Varga von Kibed, Dipl.Psych.Insa Sparer

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Transverbal competence

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Prof.Dr.Matthias Varga von Kibed, Dipl.Psych.Insa Sparer

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Patterns in organizations &other societal systems

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Jan Jacob Stam

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

The art of beginning and ending relationships in organizations. Systemic approach., Potential and leadership in times of crisis

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Jan Jacob Stam

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Autopoetic constellations

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Training


Year of Completion

Siegfried Essen

Name of the Training

CI No. of the Trainer


Duration in Hours

Other recognitions

The recognition(s) that were awarded to the Constellator by other Organization(s) / Association(s)

Professional Development

The amount of days per year that the Constellator engages in his professional development

24 days per year and more

Expertise Psy-Social/Education

The special topic expertise of the Constellator in the psycho-social / educational area

Personal Development, Family, Partnership, Friendship, Body, Psyche + Illness, Trauma

Expertise Organizational

The special topic expertize of the constellator in the organizational area

Strategy + Goals, Structure, Processes, Organisation Chart, Role, Function, Cooperation, Personnel Selection + Recruitment, Leadership, Sales + Customer Relations

Qualification Psy-Social/Education

Professional qualification of the Constellator in the psycho-social / educational area

Alternative Healing Methods, Psychology


The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of professional qualification
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section

Experience + Practice

Duration of work

The amount of years that the Constellator has worked in the constellation field

5 years and more

Constellations per year

The number of Constellations that the Constellator facilitates per year

100 and more

Group work per year

The amount of group meetings that the Constellator attends per year

12 and more

Constellation events per year

The number of constellation events/congresses/gatherings that the constellator attends per year



The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of Experience and Practice
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section

Contribution to the Constellation Work

Articles / Essays

The article(s)/essay(s) that the Constellator has written on subjects within the field of constellation work

Self-motivation (in Russian!)

Title of the Article/Essay

russian psychology site b17.ru

Title / Name of Book / Magazine / Platform




Year of Publication


Place of publications

Name of the Editor

Kristina Esipova

Name of the Author(s)


The number of points the Constellator has reached in the field of Contribution to the Constellation Work
A maximum of 33 points can be reached in this section


Total of reached points: 47 / 100

Level of recognition Professional Constellator