Constellator Recognition

1. Professional Competence

1.1 Education as a Constellator

Name of Training: Weiterbildung Aufstellungsarbeit / Training in Constellation Work
Name of Trainer: Thomas Hafer
Year of Completion: 2009
Duration in hours: 450

Name of Training: Training in systemischer Aufstellungsarbeit / Training in Systemic Constellation
Name of Trainer: Robert Doetsch
Year of Completion: 2014
Duration in hours: 320

Name of Training: Ausbildung zur Ausbildungstherapeutin / Train the Trainer
Name of Trainer: Erika Beier
Year of Completion: 2014
Duration in hours: 250

Name of Training: Systemic Constellation
Name of Trainer: Stephan Hausner
Year of Completion: 2022
Duration in hours: 24

Name of Training: Unfolding Potential
Name of Trainer: Stephan Hausner
Year of Completion: 2021
Duration in hours: 30

Name of Training: Organizational Constellations
Name of Trainer: Radek Czahajda
Year of Completion: 2021
Duration in hours: 6

Name of Training: Intervention in Strukturaufstellungen / Interventions in Structural Constellations
Name of Trainer: Matthias Varga von Kibed
Year of Completion: 2020
Duration in hours: 7

Name of Training: SSI Systemische Selbstintegration / Systemic Self Integration
Name of Trainer: Ernst Robert Langlotz
Year of Completion: 2019
Duration in hours: 24

Name of Training: International Conference on Organizational Constellations
Year of Completion: 2018
Duration in hours: 24

1.2 Professional Qualification in the Psychosocial / Educational Area

  • Psychotherapy / Gestalt Therapy

1.3 Professional Qualification in Scientific Areas

  • Economics

1.4 Attended other Systemic or similar Training(s)

Name of Training: Basic Training Systemic Coaching
Name of Trainer: Helmut Blauen-Barth
Year of Completion: 2009
Duration in hours: 50

Name of Training: Spiritual Coaching
Name of Trainer: Klaus Peter Horn
Year of Completion: 2011
Duration in hours: 300

Name of Training: Leadership Training
Name of Trainer: Common Purpose Common Purpose
Year of Completion: 2011
Duration in hours: 200

Name of Training: Writing your own Hypnosis Script
Name of Trainer: Alfred Himmelweiss
Year of Completion: 2019
Duration in hours: 32

Name of Training: Visual Thinking Strategies
Name of Trainer: Angelika Jung
Year of Completion: 2014
Duration in hours: 16

1.5 Further professional education as a Constellator per Year

36 days per year and more

1.6 Special Topic Expertise as a Constellator in the Psychosocial / Educational Area

  • Personal Development
  • Family, Partnership, Friendship
  • Body, Psyche + Illness
  • Trauma
  • Death
  • Nature

1.7 Special Topic Expertise as a Constellator in the Organisational Area

  • Vision, Mission, Brand / Purpose
  • Strategy + Goals
  • Structure, Processes, Organisation Chart
  • Role, Function, Cooperation
  • Leadership
  • Innovation, Change, Growth

1.8 Recognition as a Constellator by another association

Title of Recognition: DGfS Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemaufstellungen
Name of the Recognising Association: DGfS Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemaufstellungen
First Year of Recognition: 2015

2. Experience and Practice

2.1 Duration of Work as a Constellator

15 years and more

2.2 Number of Constellations facilitated per Year

200 and more

2.3 Attended Peer Group Meetings / Supervision Groups / Intervision Groups etc. per Year

25 and more

2.4 Attended Constellation Events of Colleagues / Constellation Congresses, Intensives, etc. per Year


3. Contribution to the Development of Constellation Work

3.1 Honorary Work in a Non-Profit Association for Constellation Work

Name/Title of Honory Position: Regionalsprecherin DGfS NRW
Name of non-profit Constellation Association: DGfS Deutsche Gesellschaft für Systemaufstellungen
from Year: 2016
to Year: 2018

Name/Title of Honory Position: Vice Chair
Name of non-profit Constellation Association: ISCA
from Year: 2019
to Year: 2022

3.2 Volunteer Work at a Congress, Intensive, etc., of a Non-Profit Association for Constellation Work

Description of Volunteer Activity: Organizer of diverse regional congresses of the DGfS
Name of the Event/Congress/Incentive: DGfS NRW Regionaltagung
Year: 2016

Description of Volunteer Activity: Organizer
Name of the Event/Congress/Incentive: ISCA Gathering Online 2021
Year: 2021

3.3 Membership in a Non-Profit Association for Constellation Work

Name of the Association: DGfS
from Year: 2008
to Year: 2023

Name of the Association: INFOSYON
from Year: 2015
to Year: 2023

Name of the Association: ISCA
from Year: 2018
to Year: 2022

3.4 Constellations pro Bono

> 52 per year

3.5 Publications about Constellation Work

3.5.1 Books about Constellation Work

Title of the Book (in english): Why do Systemic Constellations Work?
Original Title of the Book: Warum funktionieren Aufstellungen? Eine Betrschtung in 14 Thesen
Language of the Book: German
Author: Stephanie Hartung
Town: Baden Baden
Year of publication: 2014
ISBN Nr.: 978-3-86888-087-8

Title of the Book (in english): Theory and Practice of Organizational Constellations
Original Title of the Book: Theorie und Praxis der Organsationsaufstellung
Language of the Book: German
Author: Stephanie Hartung
Town: Berlin
Year of publication: 2018
ISBN Nr.: 978-3-662-56209-3

Title of the Book (in english): Textb ook of Systemic Constellations
Original Title of the Book: Lehrbuch der Systemaufstellungen
Language of the Book: German
Author: Stephanie Hartung, Wolfgang Spitta
Town: Berlin
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN Nr.: 978-3-662-61191-3

3.5.2 Articles / Essays about Constellation Work

Title of the Contribution/Article (in english): The Brand Integration Process
Original Title of the Contribution/Article: Der Marken-Integrations-Prozess
Language of the Contribution/Article: German
Author: Stephanie Hartung
Medium: Print
Book/Print Title: Aufstellungen im Arbeitskontext / Paxis der Systemaufstellung
Town, Country: Göttingen, Germany
ISBN Nr.: 978-3-525-40706-6

Title of the Contribution/Article (in english): Group is the Mother – Group Dynamics in Constellation Training
Original Title of the Contribution/Article: Grupe ist die Mutter – Aufstellungen lernen und lehren
Language of the Contribution/Article: German
Author: Stephanie Hartung
Medium: Print
Book/Print Title: Aufstellungen lernen und lehren / Teaching and Learning systemic Constellations
Town, Country: Göttingen
ISBN Nr.: 978-3-525-45336-0

Title of the Contribution/Article (in english): Simply taking by the word
Original Title of the Contribution/Article: Einfach beim Wort nehmen
Language of the Contribution/Article: German
Author: Stephanie Hartung
Medium: Print
Book/Print Title: Friedlaender / Mynona und die Gestalttherapie
Town, Country: Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
ISBN Nr.: 978-3-89797-083-0

3.6 Work on/with Constellation Work in the scientific Field

3.7 Developed Analogue or Digital Constellation Accessories

2dimensional constellation board with figures