María Cecilia Fátima Asensio
Clinical psychologist
Paraná, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina
Constellator Profile
Personal Information
- Clinical psychologist
Place(s) of Work
Place of local Work
About me
Freetext "about me" in english
I am Argentinean, of Italian and Spanish origin. I studied psychopedagogy and then psychology. Since I was a child I have been moved by the human condition, by the suffering of man and how to contribute to calm, joy. My professional life has followed the rhythm and the process of my own personal development.I have studied for years psychoanalysis, relational psychosomatics. I have been interested in practices such as tai chi and yoga. I am interested in the integration of the vital dimensions of the whole. In 2016 I met through Brigitte Charpentier de Ribes, the philosophy of Bert Hellinger and so far I participate in activities that she organizes online and in person. Since 2022 I have met Dr. Dr. Anngwyn St. Just and Dr. Karl-Heinz Rauscher through online workshops as I have been interested in the issue of trauma and collective traumas. Since last year I have started to organize group workshops and individual constellations.
Freetext "about me" in mothertongue
Soy argentina, la segunda generación de inmigrantes italianos y españoles. Me he interesado desde niña en el enigma, misterio del ser humano y su dolor. Como así también me ha interesado las corrientes orientales en su filosofía como en sus prácticas físicas. Lo inconciente y sus efectos cotidianos. Abrirme a lo sistémico ha sido un retorno a perspectivas que conocí como estudiante en 1980. Pasé años estudiando y haciendo psicoanálisis pero la búsqueda de lo espiritual, crisis personales me llevaron a buscar nuevas respuestas. Las constelaciones me han permitido integrar líneas teóricas, prácticas como aspectos personales
Working Language(s)
Type of Constellation Work
- Systemic / Family Constellations
- Organisational Constellations
- SySt® Constellations (Varga von Kibed)
- Life Integration Process (LIP Wilfried Nelles)
Area of Constellation Work
Works as a Trainer for Constellation work: Yes