Constellator Profile

Personal Information

Member Nr.: 168
Family Name: Palmgren
First Name: Charlotte
Gender: Female


  • Swedish Institute of Family- and Organizational Constellations, SIFFOK


  • Dipl. Psychosynthesis Therapist, Family Constellation Facilitator and Trainer

Place(s) of Work

Place of work is: online, local

Place of local Work

City: Stockholm
State/County: Stockholm County
Country: Sweden


About me

Freetext "about me" in english

I got to know the work of Family Constellations in 1998 and met with Bert Hellinger in London 2000 for the first time. I then invited him to Stockholm, Sweden in 2001 and 2002 when I also grounded the Swedish Hellinger Institute (now SIFFOK). Apart from participating in several seminars with Bert Hellinger, I have also trained with Albrecht Mahr. During the years I have invited several well known and experienced international constellators to the Institute aswell as participated abroad in seminars and reunions. I offer lectures, workshops and trainings in Family Constellations which I name Life Constellations (Livets Konstellationer) as it encompasses more than just families per se. I have been invited to have seminars in Finland and in Greece some times and I have written two books about the work, both also being translated into Greek. Apart from having groups I work individually over zoom with constellation figures and symbols.

Freetext "about me" in mothertongue

Jag har arbetat som psykosyntesterapeut och systemisk terapeut i egen praktik sedan 1993 och leder Svenska Institutet för Familje- och OrganisationsKonstellationer (SIFFOK). Jag lärde känna Familjekonstellationer 1998 och har fördjupat mig genom att delta med främst Bert Hellinger och utbildats av Albrecht Mahr. Förutom att ha inbjudit Bert Hellinger 2001 och 2002 till Stockholm och följt honom under många år, har jag genom Institutet bjudit in många internationellt välkända konstellatörer och själv deltagit i seminarier utomlands. Jag erbjuder sedan tjugo år föredrag, workshops och fortbildning i Systemiska (Familje-)konstellationer som jag även kallar Livets Konstellationer som rymmer mycket mer än bara familj per se. Jag har skrivit två böcker i ämnet “Om du visste hur mycket jag älskar dig!” om Bert Hellingers Familjekonstellationer och “Under ytan” – berättelser ur verkliga livet ur ett familjesystemiskt perspektiv.

Working Language(s)

Swedish, English, German

Type of Constellation Work

  • Systemic / Family Constellations

Area of Constellation Work

Works as a Trainer for Costallation work: Yes