Change of Focus on Trauma Constellations

  • Change of Focus on Trauma Constellations

    Posted by Gary Stuart on 2022-07-06 at 04:35

    I’ve been a Constellation facilitator for 24 years…. I find the Constellation community is focusing more on the trauma then the strength of the ancestors to overcome it? There’s so much focus on the Perpetration the Victims strength tends to get ignored… Remember to INCLUDE that as Our clients wouldn’t be ALIVE and being our Client without that STRENGTH….. Namaste Gary Stuart

    Eimear O'Neill replied 2 years ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Natalia Blagoeva

    2022-07-06 at 05:57

    I am very happy to read that. I also find that there is too much focus on trauma. That has become part of the brand of “constellations” and actually at times discourages people to participate. More focus on the positive aspects and also on deepening understanding of “what is” and how we make a next move would be very transformational.

  • Gary Stuart

    2022-07-06 at 08:30

    Yes… those who are trapped in the past will repeat it… My focus is let the PAST be done and go as LIFE moves Forward and is a gift.. The Ancestors wanted the same until Trauma distracted their path yet they live on through us…so WE can move forward for them… Trauma didn’t stop the Gift…The Past gave us an opportunity to create a new Future in the PRESENT…Namaste

  • Stephanie Hartung

    2022-07-06 at 12:08

    If we do consider trauma not as being dramatic (yes or no) but as showing a certain structure – physically and mentally – we can focus on strengthening our clients. To me, trauma work is not about focussing on the trauma, but about focussing on what is needed to restructure the individual system to an integrated, healthy, and strong here-and-now personality.

    • Gary Stuart

      2022-07-06 at 18:07

      Yes, excellent…. so true… I see many forget the strength aspect and the miracle of survival against all odds…Namaste

  • Eimear O'Neill

    2022-07-28 at 14:45

    I agree that we need to celebrate the gifts and strengths of our ancestors and ourselves, not just the wounds. We need those strengths to heal the deep underlying trauma… and we can only access the fullness of those strengths once we do so. “Bringing together that which has been sepereted” matters…. whether that is peoples, understandings or parts of the self.

  • Eimear O'Neill

    2022-10-04 at 21:32

    The focus is on HEALING… I agree with Gary, the strengths and resilience of our ancestors matter as much as their attempts to survive, deny and deal with their traumatic wounds